New To Me Author: Anne Bishop/The Black Jewels Trilogy

Okay, I was on a mission of new reading material. I’d been depressed about my own writing and unable to finish the rewrites to Forced To Change to my satisfaction since some time last year. Something was missing and I had no idea what. Turns out my Muse was starving for a new way of addressing personal issues in my own writing... Then along came Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels Trilogy...

My CB shared his diverse library via kindle, a few paperbacks, etc. I read Kelly Armstrong and Patricia Briggs because another friend said they really enjoyed those authors, and I agreed, the stories and writing are strong with these ladies if fantasy is your genre. Then I pulled up the paperback copy of Daughter of the Blood the first book in the series, though not the first story available.

My Muse perked up. The theme throughout these fantasy novels dealt directly with sexual abuse experienced by a child? Well, I’d always been leery of attacking my issues directly, my own experiences were too explict for Literotica, so I changed the crime to rape and the victim to an over the age of 18 when her abuse started. The Black Jewel novels not only went straight at the abuse inflicted at the age I personally dealt with it, but also the story world was so full and vibrantly painted, the other themes perfectly set out, that I enjoyed the reading of all three books within a week.

Every part of the stories resonated with not only me, but my Muse planned a course of attack for my own writing and presented a full picture I was able to outline and work with to start finishing the rewrites on Forced to Change. Plus, I was able to outline mentally the second book, working title, Changed by Time. Also I even have a specific for Lit short story in the works to flush out when I need time to process on my other projects.

Anne Bishop’s writing works for me, even though the themes are a bit taboo, the wealth of possibilities in how to be vulnerable and open enough with my pen, is a door unlocked by discovering these novels. So, if you’re looking for a rich story world, filled with amazing well developed characters, interesting takes on Living, Death, Abuse, with gripping emotional story Telling, then Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels Trilogy might be a story worth reading to you...

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